This sign made me stop and laugh on a very cold January day. It caught me off guard as I wound my way down along the Cuyadutta Creek in Montgomery County (NY), just south of Sammonsville.

Along the way, I spotted several families of ducks. Most were difficult to photograph, however, because there were no shoulders to pull off on to photograph the waterfowl. On a warmer day, I might park the car in a safe spot and walk along the road to quietly capture the birds on the water.

Finally, this weathered barn has been demanding my attention for several days. Today, I stopped to record its exposure. Anyone recognize it?
Cold ducks! Cute sign and nice barn, which I don't recognize.
i don't recognize the barn. however, i do photograph many a broken down building. i often photograph buildings and objects that are worn down. i look forward to the challenge of finding the right angle in which to snap a photo. since i live in boston, there are many to choose from-weathered and worn.
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