You know you live in North Country when ... your rearview mirror falls off the inside of the car window because it is so bitter cold (-10 F) and you hold it with your right hand and drive with your left! (Shifting is a bit of a challenge!)
You know you live in North Country when ... seeing the sun is the exception and you no longer get excited by pending weather.
You know you live in North Country when ... you call for an oil delivery when the path to the oil tank is cleared and not because you're ready to run out of fuel.
You know you live in North Country when ... you pick up packets of donuts for the birds and not your family to feast on.
You know you live in North Country when ... standard procedure is to walk around the car to kick the snow out of the wheel wells before you head inside. If you don't, your wheels may be frozen in one direction until the next thaw.
You know you live in North Country when ... you call heading to Pennsylvania for a few days "going south."
There used to be a radio personality in Albany called Harry Downey!
How funny is that?!?!
The feeder's been relatively quiet today. I guess that's a good weather sign.
The sun peeked for just a few minutes. My excitement clouded over quickly!
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