As I sit here at my computer on the last day of 2008, I reflect back on the year and its many opportunities and blessings. For me, the year has been full of delightful moments and soul-searching challenges.
I have been exceptionally busy this year writing seven children's books, guiding (and being guided by) thousands of students both online and in the classroom, carting my daughter around to her many learning and life opportunities, sharing memories with family and friends, and getting lost in the woods to snap picture after picture.
My end-of-year reflection could focus on the economic challenges that face each of us, our country, and the world. My reflection could focus on the long winter that still awaits us. (It is snowing here -- again.) My reflection could focus on the bills that have to be paid, the oil tank that will need to be filled once more this winter, the impending college tuition bills, and the juggling of time and funds to do everything that needs to be done (and that we wish to do).
Instead, I chose to focus on time, more specifically, the gift of time. My new year's resolution is to give myself that gift. More time to take long reflective hikes with the neighborhood dog. More time to practice my yoga and meditation. More time to get lost in books that others have written. More time to simply sit by the lake and stare into the open space and water. More time to make music on my Native American flute with the loons. More sightings of breath-taking great blue herons, young, mischevious beaver kits, shooting stars, and playful river otters. More time to watch the clouds dance and rainbows illuminate stormy skies. More time for me to stop and notice. More time for me to share with others what I have been blessed to see, hear, and feel. Yes, a bit selfish, but if I don't recharge and regroup, the rest won't happen. It can't.
So, I ask you, what gift will you give yourself this year?
I wish everyone the happiest of new years. May your year be filled with love, laughter, and an abundance of blessings. May you find yourself curled on the couch with a good book and a purring kitten. May you wander and allow yourself to get lost, if only for one brief moment. May your year be filled with creative moments, unbounded spirit, and music of the soul. May you focus on the good things that will find you (and you will find).
Today is your day. This year is your year. Make it everything you deserve it to be.