Most of my works on paper are books, but every once in a while, I stretch myself. Today is one of those days.
Each year, Fulton-Montgomery Community College hosts a Works on Paper exhibit. Artists from around the state of New York are invited to submit their work for consideration. Today, is my day to stretch and submit.
I'm entering two photographs, both in their original, untouched and unaltered, states.

The first one I am calling Mistical Morning Meditation. I got lost (in thought) one cold Adirondack morning and captured this scene on Caroga Lake in the Adirondack Mountains. It reminds me of that peacefulness that surrounds us if we only slow down long enough to allow it to come to us. The mist came and showed me a slower way, if only for a few hours that morning.

The other photo is an evening shot of reflection. I had been observing and writing about a beaver family not too far from my house. There were two parents and a kit. The male parent and the kit liked to torpedo underwater and then splash me close to shore with their strong tails. It's difficult to take good shots of these ingenius builders. They usually don't appear until the last rays of sun for the day, and they are sneaky and fast! I am calling this one Artist or Engineer? It's a diptych, with two parts of the whole asking the question.
As I close this morning's post, snow is in the forecast, perhaps a foot or more. I remind myself it's only October. It's time to fill the bookbag and be prepared for a long winter's rest!
I hope to share a snow shot or two tomorrow.
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