As the sun started to shine on this cold and blustery day, I headed out to capture the moment. Most of these shots were taken along Route 10 between Pine Lake and Piseco Lake in the Southern Adirondacks.

I liked the canal-like channel the water formed here in the West Sacandaga River wetlands. I'd like to have some of this persistence!

Near the Caroga Fire Department is a small creek with a tributary that formed an ice cave as it emptied into the main flow of water. It would be easy to drive right by this and never notice it.

This one's for Judy. A typical ice structure started to form along a rock cropping. Apparently, it pulled away from the rock and created its own free-standing ice sculpture. I'm not sure I've ever seen this happen before.

The water engineer in me has always been drawn to this waterwheel just north of Lake Alma. The snow made a perfect frame for it today.

The last one is along the drive up to our cabin in the woods. It's an early holiday wish to everyone.
I've never seen ice pull away from the rock like that either. LOVE the waterwheel!!!!
If you want to try to capture a better shot of the ice sculpture, it's a few miles north of Lake Alma on Rt. 10. West side of the road. Wear snowpants! I was in up to my thighs. I didn't want to get to close to it and leave prints in case you wanted to shoot it for your book.
The waterwheel is my favorite too, I wanna play in the snow, all my snow went away. Boohoo.
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