Saturday, February 27, 2010

New Works in Progress

Today I started another artist-in-residency program, this time working with four highly gifted young authors and illustrators in the Shenendahowa School District in upstate New York.

We had fun brainstorming animals from A to Z, from ape all the way to x-ray fish, wildebeest, yak, and zebra. (They are very smart kidlets!)

We selected interesting "living" items to parallel our lives to for our living history books.

We started to develop our personal timelines too. Each child was traced onto a large sheet of paper, and then starting with his or her birth date at the toes, each author is adding important events in his or her life from the feet to the current-day head.

Ben will be paralleling his life with famous hurricanes over the same time period.

Drew turned his attention to the rhino and its life cycle, both being born around the same time.

Rohan is focusing on volcanic eruptions over his lifetime.

And, Janine will skate her way through the life of a cacao tree. (We were both born in Hershey, Pennsylvania! How sweet is that?)

Stay tuned to see where our timelines and stories take us next week!