Monday, December 27, 2010

Watch for an Article in the Leader-Herald

The Leader-Herald newspaper interviewed me today about the Caroga Lake book. When the story is live, I'll post the link!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Woo Hoo!

Around Caroga Lake, Canada Lake, and Pine Lake is now officially in production!

I still have a few new images to find and captions to tweak, but we are moving forward and on schedule for a summer release as planned.

I have many "stories behind the stories" to share. Watch for a release date, book signings, and special programs!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Thank You, Herkimer Gifted 4th Graders

I spent the day with a wonderful group of gifted fourth-grade students at Herkimer BOCES, where we make books that Flip, Flop, Squeak, and Pop!

Thank you to the Herkimer BOCES administration for inviting me, the teachers that accompanied the groups of students for assisting, the buildings staff for helping us set up and clean up, and the enthusiastic and energetic young artists and mathematicians! I had a fantastic time.

Here are a few of their creations:

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Caroga/Canada/Pine Lake Teasing Tidbit No. 40

Caroga Lake was known for Sherman's Park. However, it wasn't the lake's first park. What amusement park first sat on the banks of West Caroga Creek?