Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A George-ous Day on the Lake

Yesterday was a gorgeous day on Lake George in the Adirondack Mountains to ...

...take a cruise, a little fishing, the grand ol' flag,

...race with friends,

...explore under your own power,

...capture the power of the wind (of which there was plenty!),

...find spirit embedded in nature,

...visit islands within mountains,

...and splash into summer!

The cost of such an adventure? A small token to board the Mohican and one nasty sunburn on the face!

Summer has arrived!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Out-of-Season Wonder-fall

Today, the rain stopped and the sun did shine! What better way to celebrate than to visit a waterfall that's usually flowing only in springtime. It was a wonder-fall outing with a special friend. Thanks, Ginny!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Wild about Wildflowers

I had a few free minutes today to capture June blossoming here in North Country. Enjoy!